TANMYAH’S Properties
Tanmyah projects have grown and varied as the company size grew and reached a mature state of organization stability. With its new competent leadership and skilled staff, the company is capable of carrying out the main property development and management tasks with greater efficiency than ever. Tanmyah’s property portfolio consists of several types of commercial and residential, ranging from small scale stand-alone strip plazas to commercial centers and hotels.
Safiyah Plaza
Safiyah Plaza Project DESCRIPTION The Plaza is strategically located at the intersection of Prince Sultan...
Plateau Plaza
Plateau Plaza Project DESCRIPTION The project is located on Sari street in one of the...
North Gate Center
North Gate Center Project DESCRIPTION As the name implies, the North Gate center is considered...
Ajyad Hotel (Makkah)
Ajyad Hotel (Makkah) Project DESCRIPTION A two star hotel in the strategic location of Ajyad...
Sultana Center
Sultana Center Project DESCRIPTION A unique plaza located at the heart of Jeddah entertainment hub...
Le Mall
Le Mall Project DESCRIPTION A prime location plaza on the prestigious Tahlyah Street, host to...
Bugshan Commercial Center
Bugshan Commercial Center Project DESCRIPTION The Bugshan Center property (also know as Danube center) is...
Um Alqura Hotel (Makkah)
Um Alqura Hotel (Makkah) Project DESCRIPTION A unique hotel type development in Makkah about 1200...
Soul’s Project DESCRIPTION Soul’s is a mixed-use commercial Center located on King Abdulaziz Road, Al-Zhara...
Obhor Resort
Obhor Resort Project DESCRIPTION A mid-scale beach resort property for long term stay. The development...
AGS Schools Campus
AGS Schools Campus Project DESCRIPTION Advanced generations schools campus is consisting of several plots developed...
Broadway Center
Broadway Center Project DESCRIPTION A classical design structure consisting of several retail shops on the...
Bridgestone Office building
Bridgestone Office building Project DESCRIPTION This office building was considered the most modern on Palestine...
Babylon Plaza
Babylon Plaza Project DESCRIPTION Babylon Plaza was designed to add new metropolitan schematic to the...
Souq Shatea
Souq Shatea Project DESCRIPTION Souq Shati was the first to open in Shati district of...